Sponsor Licence for Tier 2 category under the UK Immigration rules

Settled and stable like in the UK after a long battle with the Home Office - visited family after several years ; children doing well at school; now starting a business in London

Fantastic successful outcome on the Adult Dependant Route Application. Relief and hope for settled residents in the UK who wish to bring their elderly dependant parents to live in the UK with them. Leave to remain in the UK granted on application to the Home Office outside the immigration rules.

Grant of in country spouse visa from being an overstayer in the U.K.

Xmas present for our UK immigration client. Leave to remain granted!

Happy client, success after a refusal on an application which was submitted by his previous solicitors with the Home Office

A very happy client who got a successful outcome upon review and the Home Office withdrew from the appeal hearing 1 day before on the basis of the well prepared bundle submitted with Tribunal